About Us
My paternal grandmother first started collecting antique American overshot coverlets in the 1960s. She would scour markets in the US and England, and eventually became known as “the coverlet lady” by her fellow antique dealers.
Across the ocean in Denmark, my maternal grandmother was sewing homemade quilts from sumptuous textiles she had collected during her travels. Growing up in England, I would spend my summers in both of their households, delighted by the eîect these handmade beauties had on their surroundings.
VAEVEN (meaning “the loom” in Danish) is an homage to these two women. Their love of textiles inspired my career as a fabric expert in the fashion industry, and led me to embrace the legacy of heritage textiles.
Our commitment to sustainable practice, quality of design, and integrity of craftsmanship exemplified by these heritage textiles is what unites all VAEVEN products. We believe that an object will bring the purest joy to its owner if it has inspired pride and love in all hands involved in its creation.
The overshot coverlet is one of the mainstays of modern North America’s textile heritage. It was a popular decorative bed covering traditionally woven by both women and men from the late 1700s until the late 1800s. Like most decorative items, it was subject to the fashions of the day, and the coverlet has been realized in designs ranging from geometric to floral to figurative, often with the weaver’s or patron’s name woven into a corner of the blanket to establish provenance.
We have honored its traditions by having our own name painstakingly woven into the blanket, and we oîer only traditional designs developed and woven by our forebears, in colors which complement the tasteful modern home.

We have stayed true to the original purpose of the overshot coverlet; to provide loved ones with warmth, beauty, identity and joy.

Our coverlets and cushions are oered in baby alpaca, one of the world’s most luxurious and sustainable noble fibers. As one of the oldest domesticated breeds of livestock, alpacas have a royal heritage deeply rooted within the culture of the Incan people, and are still highly valued today. They are able to produce an incredibly fine high grade wool which can ri rival merino in its versatility and cashmere in its softness and warmth.
We feel incredibly lucky to have found our weaving partners, a community of Fair Trade women artisans located high in the Andes of Peru; a place with its own ancient magic. True to their predecessors, they are preserving their weaving heritage, and are combining their ancestral expertise with modern business know-how. This enables them to support their families an and build their communities. We are very proud to be partnering with these ladies – without them our coverlets would not exist and we are truly grateful for their talent, commitment and expertise
VAEVEN (meaning “the loom” in Danish) is an homage to these two women. Their love of textiles inspired my career as a fabric expert in the fashion industry, and led me to embrace the legacy of heritage textiles.